Throughout the project, SEATRACK has been featured in various media outlets, with contributions from both project team members and partners.
- Article about adult puffins pusblihed in Science News “How a puffin patrol in Iceland is saving the iconic seabirds”. Article can be found here:
- Children’s science news article for Science News Explores about the Atlantic Puffin colony in Heimaey: Wayward baby puffins get help from a community-led Puffling Patrol
- EU research article “On track to map seabird populations” published including an interview with Hallvard Strøm: SEATRACK by Blazon Publishing and Media Ltd – Issuu
- Video and news-report of “Monitoring and tracking seabirds at Kippaku” interviewing Flemming Merkel and Morten Fredriksen. Article and video can be found on the Aarhus university webpage:
- Short video “Working in the field, July 2023” showing how scientist catch Brünnich’s guillemots/Thick-billed murre at sites in Greenland. Video can be found on the Facebook page of the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources:
- Interview with Sunna Bjork Ragnarsdottir and Halfdan Helgason by Gudni Einarsson about a GLS tagged little auk from Bjørnøya found dead in Iceland published in the Icelandic newspaper Morgunblaðið 24.02.2018 titled: “Fastir veturgestir við Ísland” – an excerpt from which is published online at:
- Interview with Halfdan Helgason by Gunnar Gunnarsson about a GLS work on fulmars in Iceland published in the Icelandic newspaper Austurglugginn, nr. 22 – 17 árg. – 2018 – Fimmtudagur 21.júní page 11. Titled: “Öðlast nýja sýn á ferðalög sjófugla” – Only available in print
- Interview with Thomas Holm Carlsen and Eivind Hansen about research on eiders in Selvær, by Liv Jorunn Hind,, 24.06.2018 titled “Fugleparadiset på Selvær: Respekt for fuglene gir den beste kunnskapen”
- News-report and an interview with Thorkell Lindber Thorarinsson about the team of researchers having to fence themselves of in order to keep tourists from interrupting their work in Látrabjarg (figure 2). By Thorgerdur Anna Gunnarsdottir, 27.06.2018 titled: “Girtu sig af frá ferðamönnum á Látrabjargi”:
- Interview with Thorkell Lindber Thorarinsson and Yann Kolbeinsson about GLS work on Icelandic fulmars by Agust Olafsson RUV, 16.07.2018 titled: “Ferðast mörg þúsund kílómetra utan varptímans”:, followed up by a coverage on RUV’s webpage:
- Interview with Børge Moe by Trine Jørgensen Aandahl at NRK published 31.07.2017 entitled “Olje-ulykke i Barentshavet kan ramme fugl som hekker 1000 km lenger sør” –
- Interview with Johannis Danielssen by Sigmund Vang published in the Faroese newspaper Dimmalætting – Nr. 22 – Árg. 140, Fríggjardagur 09.06. 2017, pages 10 -12, titled “ Føroyar skulu blíva miðdepil fyri sjófuglagransking” where he presented seabird research in the Faroe Islands with strong emphasis on SEATRACK.
- Interview with Hallvard Strøm by Eivind Molde NRK, 25.05.2017 titled “Sårbar sjøfugl i Barentshavet heile året”, followed up by a coverage in Dagsrevyen at NRK, the same day in a news item titled “Fuglelivet i Barentshavet er langt meir sårbart for eventuelt oljesøl enn forskarane har trudd.”