If you are interested in a specific SEATRACK theme, please contact the project leader directly to hear about possibilities for MSc theses.
SEATRACK PhD student and post-doc positions are announced on jobbnorge.no.
SEATRACK fledglings
The SEATRACK “fledglings” group aims to provide a source of networking and support for MSc and PhD students, as well as early career researchers (ECRs; post-doc up to 5 years post-PhD) who collect and/or analyze SEATRACK data.
Steering group
If you are interested in joining, please contact one of the following members of the fledglings steering group:
- Caitlin Frankish: caitlin.frankish@npolar.no
- Céline Albert: celine.albert@nina.no
- Emily Runnells: emily.runnells@umanitoba.ca
- Martyna Syposz : martyna.syposz@ug.edu.pl

Fledgling members
Name | Stage | Affiliation | Project |
Anaïs Kerric | ECR | Environment and Climate Change Canada | |
Antoine Grissot | PostDoc | La Rochelle University – LIENSs | |
Astrid Dedieu | PhD | Cork University | |
Bertille Mohring | PostDoc | University of Liverpool | |
Caitlin Frankish | PostDoc | Norwegian Polar Institute | Estimating year-round energetics of several SEATRACK species |
Céline Albert | PostDoc | Norwegian Institute for Nature Research – Trondheim | Long-term effects of environmental changes on Arctic seabirds: effects of seasonal distribution and contamination on population dynamics |
Christina Petalas | PhD | McGill University | Plunging into plastic: tracking seabird plastic-related contamination in the St. Lawrence System |
Elayna Daniels | PhD | University of Liverpool | Understanding risks to non-breeding seabirds from offshore wind farms |
Elisabeth Hansen | PostDoc | Norwegian Institute for Nature Research – Tromsø | Tracking and analyzing pollutants in Arctic and Great skuas in Norway (part of the ClimACTox project) |
Emily Runnells | PhD | University of Manitoba | Niche overlap, migratory connectivity, and carry-over effects in northwest Atlantic alcids |
Emma Murphy | PhD | Cork University | Vulnerability of pelagic seabirds to the introduction of offshore renewable energy infrastructure off the Irish coast |
Freddie McKendrick | PhD | University of Liverpool | |
Jamie Darby | PostDoc | University of Liverpool | |
Julia Baak | PhD | McGill University | |
Katharine Studholme | ECR | Environment and Climate Change Canada | |
Kristin Piening | PhD | University of Gdansk | Pair overwintering behaviour in the Little Auk (Alle alle) |
Lars Ursem | ECR | Wageningen University | Linking migratory connectivity to flight efficiency in seabirds |
Lila Buckingham | PostDoc | Norwegian Institute for Nature Research – Trondheim | An individual-based model to quantify the non-breeding season impact of marine stressors on seabirds (MARCIS project); Investigating the importance of the North Sea & Skagerrak for wintering auks (SEAPOP project) |
Linnet Jessell | PhD | University of Liverpool | |
Marianne Gousy-Leblanc | PhD | McGill University | Partnership of thick-billed murres of Coats Island |
Martyna Syposz | PostDoc | University of Gdansk | Effect of climate change on migratory behaviour of Little Auks |
Svenja Neumann | Seatrack project coordinator | Norwegian Polar Institute | – |