Seabird tracking
The SEATRACK programme aims to map the non-breeding distribution of seabirds breeding throughout the North Atlantic and understand how changes in environmental conditions and other threats affect their demography and population trajectories.
The programme was initiated in 2014 and is currently in its third phase. It is a large-scale
international collaboration of 69 partners from 52 institutions based in 14 countries.

View data
All data can be visualized in two interactive mapping applications, where you can create your own custom views for specific species or locations.

Linked and interconnected projects

SEAPOP is a long-term monitoring and mapping programme for Norwegian seabirds that provides and maintains base-line knowledge of seabirds for an improved management of the marine environment.

ARCTOX primarily aims to map and monitor the mercury contamination of Arctic marine food webs using seabirds as bio indicators.

MARCIS aims to develop a decision support tool for assessing the cumulative impact of human marine industries on seabirds and migrating land birds in marine ecosystems.

Aukestra aims to quantify non-breeding distribution, foraging behaviours and diet of two auk species in Scotland, and increase understanding of how offshore wind developments may impact individual birds and subsequently demographic rates. It is led by the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology.