Cape Gorodetsky (69.583°N x 32.937°E) is located in the south-east coast of the Rybachiy peninsula (western Murman) and spans about 7 km. Seabirds have been monitored at Cape Gorodetsky since 2000.
It supports breeding populations of black-legged kittiwakes (25,000-50,000 pairs), common guillemots (300-1,500 pairs) Brünnich’s guillemots (1,400 pairs), cormorants (50-200 pairs), black guillemots (about 100 pairs), herring gull (about 50 pairs) and razorbill (about 50 pairs). The northernmost part of the cliff became a nature reserve in 2014. GLS studies were initiated in 2014 with deployment on common guillemots and Brünnich’s guillemots.

Notice: Russian field sites are not part of SEATRACK phase III.

Site coordinator

Alexey Ezhov
Kanadalaksha State Nature Reserve
Data availability