Grindøya (69.635°N x 18.848°E), is a flat, wooded, 0.58 km² island in Tromsø municipality. It is possitioned in Sandnessundet between Tromsøya to the east, Kvaløya in vest and Håkøya in north.

The island is a nature reserve and traffic is restricted during the breeding period from 1’st of May to the 30’th of June. Several seabird species breed on the island, amongst them; Common gulls, Herring gulls, Great black-backed gulls, Arctic terns and Common Eiders.

The Common eider population has been monitored and studied since 1985 but Grindøya became a SEATRACK locality in 2014.

Seatrack partner

Sveinn Are Hanssen
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
Data availability