Tjörnes peninsula (66.1999°N x 17.0912°W), and its neighboring islands Lundey and Mánáreyjar, is situated in northeast Iceland and is roughly 20 km long and 13 km wide. The peninsula is surrounded by the rich waters of Skjálfandi and Öxarfjörður bays, on its west and east sides respectively. It thus holds a number of seabird colonies, including Atlantic Puffins (up to 100.000 pairs), Arctic Terns (5.400 pairs), Northern Fulmars (4.100 pairs) and Black-legged Kittiwakes (1.500 pairs). Three locations within the peninsula and its islands have recently been recognised as Important Bird Areas (IBA) for nesting seabirds.
Tjörnes has been a SEATRACK locality since 2023 when the deployment of geolocators on Arctic Terns started.
– Photos will be added soon-

Seatrack partner

Þorkell Lindberg Þórarinsson
Northeast Iceland Nature Research Centre

Yann Kolbeinsson
Northeast Iceland Nature Research Centre
Data availability