Skjálfandi bay (65.990°N x 17.410°W) lies by the northern coast of Iceland and is at its widest about 28 km and about 25 km long. It is delimited in the east by the Tjörnes peninsula. Seabirds in varying numbers occur around the peninsula and on three adjacent islands (Lundey, Háey and Lágey).
Seabirds have been monitored along the Tjörnes peninsula since 1981. The peninsula and its adjacent islands supports breeding populations of Northern Fulmars (3,000 pairs), Black-legged Kittiwakes (800 pairs), Arctic Terns (6,700 pairs), Razorbills (100 pairs), Black Guillemots (40 pairs) and Atlantic Puffins (107,000 pairs).
The southwestern end of Tjörnes peninsula, along Skjálfandi, has been a SEATRACK locality since 2014, although Northern fulmars have been tracked there with GLS since 2012.

Seatrack partner

Þorkell Lindberg Þórarinsson
Northeast Iceland Nature Research Centre

Yann Kolbeinsson
Northeast Iceland Nature Research Centre
Data availability