Papey (64.588°N x 14.172°W) is the largest island 2 km² in a seven-island archipelago 5 km off the SE-Iceland coast. The vegetated islands are relatively low and encircled by cliffs. Papey has quite varied landscape including wetlands in low areas. Human settlement in Papey ceased in 1966.

Puffin GLS logger deployment started in 2013. Birdlife International identifies the archipelago as an important bird area. About 26 species of birds breed there but the most common is the Atlantic puffin (133.000 pairs, in 2011, ES Hansen et al. unpublished), kittiwake (5600 pairs), common murre (3700 pairs), northern fulmar (960 pairs), and 400 pairs of razorbills. The population.

estimates are from Garðarsson et al. (2013, 2019). Arctic tern and eiders are common breeders, a few black guillemots, herring gulls, great black-backed gulls, thick-billed murre‘s can also be found breeding in the islands. A small breeding colony of European storm petrels was confirmed in 2016 (Hansen unpublished) and Leach‘s storm petrels have been seen during the breeding season. Shag is the newest breeder. Papey is part of the Icelandic Puffin Population Monitoring Programme since 2010, and the Cliff Breeding Seabirds Monitoring Programme, CLIFFSEA since 2011.

Seatrack partner

Erpur Snær Hansen
South Iceland Nature Centre
Data availability