Île de la Maison (50°13’04.6″N x 64°12’01.9″W) belongs to a group of islands near Île aux Perroquets ~5 km off the North shore of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. The small (0.15 km2) uninhabited island is in the western part of the Mingan archipelago, within an Important Bird Area. The island hosts Common eider (~680 nests), Atlantic puffin (~350 pairs), Razorbill (~600 pairs), Herring and Great black-backed gull (~190 pairs).

Breeding censuses were conducted sporadically by Parks Canada since 1985. Annual research projects on puffins and razorbills have been conducted by Environment and Climate Change Canada and McGill University since 2019 on Île de la Maison. GLS have been deployed on Atlantic puffins in 2019.

Seatrack partner

Raphael Lavoie
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Data availability