Machias Seal Island (MSI; 44.502°N x 67.101°W) is designated as a Migratory Bird Sanctuary protected and operated by the Canadian Wildlife Service (a branch of Environment and Climate Change Canada). Located 20 kilometers off the southwestern tip of Grand Manan, New Brunswick, MSI sits in the mouth of the Bay of Fundy, at the top of the Gulf of Maine. It is a tiny (approximately 10 hectares), treeless island and one of the most important seabird breeding colonies in the area.

It is the home to one of the most southerly colonies of Atlantic Puffin (~8500 pair), Razorbill (~3500 pair), and Common Murre (~1000 pair). Other nesting seabirds include Arctic Tern (~400 pair), Common Term (~100 pair), Leach’s Storm-petrel (~100 pair), and Common Eider (~15 pair). In 1995, Dr. Tony Diamond in collaboration with the Canadian Wildlife Service began a long-term monitoring program on the island that has continued uninterrupted, the program is now lead by Dr. Heather Major. The island is also home to a manned lightstation and during the summer two tour boats visit the island daily to view seabirds.

Seatrack partner

Heather Major
University of New Brunswick
Data availability