Betchouanes Island

(Île à Calculot des Betchouanes)

Calculot des Betchouanes Island (50°11’40.17°N x 63°13’17.13°W) is part of the Betchouane Migatory Bird Sanctuary, established in 1925 which is situated within the Mingan Archipelago, protected by Parks Canada. The small island (4.92 km2) is made up of rocky outcrops and grassy meadows. It hosts many breeding seabird species, most importantly Common eider (~230 nests), Razorbill (~600 pairs), Common murre (~450 pairs), Atlantic puffin (~200 pairs), Herring and Great black-backed gull (~290 pairs), and Black-legged kittiwake (historically ~125 pairs, but in recent decline).

Île à Calculot des Betchouanes. Photo: Anaïs Kerric.
Nesting Black-legged kittiwake. Photo: Nayla Beaumont.

Breeding censuses were conducted every five years by ECCC since 1925. Annual research projects on puffins, Razorbills, Common murres and Black-legged kittiwakes has been conducted by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and McGIll University since 2019. Calculot des Betchouanes Island became a SEATRACK location in 2023 with the deployment of GLS loggers on Common murres and Razorbills. GLS have been deployed on Atlantic puffins in 2019.

Common guillemots and razorbills. Photo: Nayla Beaumont.

Seatrack partner

Raphael Lavoie

Raphael Lavoie

Environment and Climate Change Canada

Data availability

Historical data – pre SEATRACK